Tuesday, July 10, 2007

American Chemical Society journals denying access, 7/10/07

The ACS is denying access to those Rice workstations who are on the 'old' IP ranges (128.42.*.*). The Library staff are working with ACS to try to re-establish this access, but ACS is experiencing difficulty with their systems today, Tuesday, July 10, 2007.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have access restored by the time ACS resolves their system difficulties.

Update 7/12/07: ACS has finally been able to access their own systems and confirm they have our IPs correctly registered. They have recently updated their "Erights" system, and have discovered that several customers' IP ranges are not being correctly translated by that new system - customers are reporting intermittent access. Problems here at Rice continue to be centered on our 128.42 IP range. Library staff continue to work with ACS to resolve this service deficiency.