Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Science migrating - performance issues (?)

Just in from AAAS:

"On Tuesday, 16 November 2010, the Science website, including all weekly article and issue content of the journal Science, will transition to the new platform.

Please note this is fundamentally a back-end transformation to convert our content into an industry-standard markup approach based on the XML article format designed by the National Library of Medicine. However, ScienceOnline.org users will experience some minor cosmetic adjustments when using the site.

Due to the large technical scope of this project we need to be prepared for the possibility of some bugs, particularly in older (pre-2005) content, when the site launches. Initially the site will be slower than usual. This is to be expected but will be corrected as the site transitions to the new platform."

If your patrons encounter any difficulties with the Science website during the migration process, please help us address these issues immediately by sending an e-mail to sciencemarketing@aaas.org with "Bug report:" in the subject line.